Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Omnomnom (treats!)

I’d like to share a great horse cookie recipe that was passed along to me by a friend of mine. They are super easy to make, which is why they appealed to me in the first place! I am not a cook and not a baker. Whenever I attempt cooking alone, something always goes wrong. I have ruined many a dish. So when I say something is so simple I could make it, it means something.

Yummy Horse Treats!

2 cups dry oatmeal
1/3 cup finely chopped carrots
1 grated large apple
2 tablespoons of molasses or honey
½ cup brown sugar
Whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour
Crushed peppermint candy (optional)

  • Preheat the oven to 365 degrees.
  • Combine all ingredients except for the flour in a bowl. Add flour until you get enough consistency to form them into balls. (For me that was about 2 cups.)
  • Put something on the cookie sheet to keep the cookies from sticking. (I used a cooking spray then dusted it with flour.) Make little balls with the dough and put them on the cookie sheet, pressing down on the tops slightly.
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until the cookies are firm to the touch. (You can use a toothpick to poke them.)
If your horses like peppermints, you can add some of those by crushing them first. (I put candy canes in a Ziploc bag and ran them over with a rolling pin.)

If you want to make frosting for the cookies, you mix plain yogurt, oat flour, and food coloring together. (I didn’t try this.) Or you can melt marshmallows in the microwave and squish them in between two cookies. (I melted one on top of each cookie, but it made for a sticky mess.)

Clearly, Pony (Yvonne's newest project) loves treats. 
Orr ..she thinks he does. She hasn't exactly given any to him yet. Oops!~

The best way for me to describe these is a healthy granola treat. I personally love them as a barn snack. Some for me, some for the horse! My horse doesn’t like peppermints and would not eat the first batch I made, so I took that out of the recipe to make her happy. The horses seemed to like it plain and with the marshmallow topping equally. I’m kind of getting hungry thinking of this… Make a batch, mail some to me, and tell me what your horses thought of them!

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