Monday, July 25, 2011

The Escapees (and a cat)!

Since Yvonne is horsey storyless, I shall attempt to entertain you with one of my own!

After a long day of work at the barn, I usually want only three things; food, a shower and sleep. I had come into the house and had taken care of the eating portion of my three steps. I sat down and was promptly sucked into the interwebz and pushed the shower step further back in my mind. It was another hot night so I had my window open. Around 11pm, I heard a yell. I paused my music playlist, but didn’t hear anything more so I resumed what I had been doing.

About half a minute passed, then I simultaneously heard another yell as well as a knock on my door. My fellow intern asked, “Did you hear someone yelling?” I got up and went to stand by the window. There was another shout, and a shrill whistle. We both heard that. I leaned closer to the screen to try to make out if there were any words I could make out while she ran down the stairs and outside to investigate. I didn’t hear anything helpful. But I did hear a cat meowing, loud and clear. It was unusual, since the barn cats usually stay in the barn.

“The horses from the East pasture are loose!” was the report. Since I hadn’t showered yet, I was still in my barn clothes. I pulled on a pair of socks and stuck my feet into my rubber boots. That would do. The moon was almost full and provided us with some light. Our boss had the escapees herded into a grassy area that had a fence on three sides. My fellow intern was sent in first with a halter and lead rope. I looked down and noted that a gray cat was in our midst. (We call her Stormy since we weren’t sure of what gender she was at first and that name can go either way.) The cat meowed and started to follow her out to where the horses were. She couldn’t see the cat in the dark and started tripping over it. I called Stormy back and it picked its way through the dewy grass to me and my trainer.

I was sent out and with our two captured beasts, we were able to lure the remaining two escapees back into their pasture. Upon inspection of the gate we concluded that they had simply barged through it and made the weak latch break. We tied the gate shut and walked back towards the barn. The cat trotted up ahead of us, its tail lifted with a little crook at the very tip of it. It had stopped meowing an alert and now just looked very accomplished, as if it had been a key component to our strategy. We all laughed at Stormy’s antics and went back to our beds. Well, I didn’t. I still had to take a shower.

[Now this is Yvonne!]
Sarah is, clearly, a much better story teller than me. She has also included some pretty awesome photos of the moon. I'm going to attach them now so you can all be jealous (or at least I am).
PS don't forget to leave Sarah some comment love :)

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